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Telomeres: What These Tiny Caps on Your DNA Reveal About You

Telomeres: What These Tiny Caps on Your DNA Reveal About You

The human body is made up of a fascinating, intricate and complex array of parts
and systems-each made up of millions of cells. Inside these cells lies a vast array of
genetic information—your DNA. And, at the tip of your DNA lies something scientist
are just now tapping into as a potential key to health and longevity. These tips are
called your telemores.
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Understanding Homeopathy & Dilution Factors

Understanding Homeopathy & Dilution Factors

Developed in Germany over 200 years ago, homeopathic medicine—or homeopathy as we often call it—is a safe and natural system of healing that is based on two principles: 1) Like cures like (or the Law of Similars) and 2) the Law of Minimum Dose.

A German physician, Dr. Samuel Christian Hahnemann, founded homeopathy in the 18th century when he discovered that a substance that produces the same characteristics of an illness can cure that same illness. In other words, if large amounts of a particular ingredient will produce symptoms of illness in a healthy person, then small amounts of that same ingredient can be used to stimulate the healing powers of one’s body.

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Testosterone: A Key to Optimal Health for Both Men & Women

Testosterone: A Key to Optimal Health for Both Men & Women

When you think of testosterone, what do you picture? Is it a man lifting weights at a gym, or a young football player knocking through six men to make a key play? Most people think of testosterone as a male hormone—something that men need to feel their best or perform athletically. But the truth is, testosterone is so much more than that. In fact, testosterone is a key to optimal health for both men and women.
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Gearing Up for A Stressful Season? Here’s How to Prepare Your Body!

Gearing Up for A Stressful Season? Here’s How to Prepare Your Body!

Stress can wreak havoc on your body. Here are some helpful tips and supplements to manage stress well.
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Supporting Your Pituitary to Improve Well Being

Supporting Your Pituitary to Improve Well Being

Sitting at the base of your skull rests your body’s tiniest commander: the pituitary gland. Though barely the size of a pea, the pituitary directs your body by producing and secreting hormones. When the various organs and glands of your body need support, the pituitary gland responds.
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DNA / RNA Replication & Your Health

DNA / RNA Replication & Your Health

What if I told you that the key to your health lives inside one magnificent process that happens inside your cells every single day? Would you believe me?
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Collagen: Turning Back the Clock

Collagen: Turning Back the Clock

You may have heard of collagen as being one of the secrets to slowing the aging process. It has become pretty popular over the past few years, but what is it exactly, and what does it do? Nearly 70% of our skin is made from collagen. It’s a protein that helps give our skin strength and elasticity and helps to replace dead skin cells. It helps hold our body together and is found in bones, blood vessels, the digestive system, skin, and tendons. 
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The Key Roles of DNA and RNA and What They Mean

The Key Roles of DNA and RNA and What They Mean

Most people are familiar with the idea of DNA as a “blueprint” to an organism and its unique traits. Our DNA defines an endless list of things: it makes us human, it contains information about our hair color, eye color, skin tone, allergies, and more. But while DNA does contain all the information about our physical structure, it’s much more than simply a blueprint — DNA, along with RNA, are nucleic acids that serve many important functions in the body besides our genetic background.

DNA contains information used by our bodies’ cells in the construction of new proteins, which are needed for cellular growth and reproduction. RNA serves to carry this information to the cells, enabling them to reproduce and repair themselves.

Since DNA and RNA are so important to protein construction and transport, they’re at the root of our bodies’ capability to function. The proper structure and function of our cells relies on DNA and RNA, and without healthy cells, our bodily systems will suffer across the board.

Unfortunately, as we age, our body produces fewer of the hormones required for generating nucleic acids, leading to an imbalance in our DNA and RNA. This imbalance can have several effects. Learn more now!

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Natural Relief from Erectile Dysfunction

Natural Relief from Erectile Dysfunction

It's the thing every man fears. Every time it happens, you wonder if it's going to happen every time from now on. Some men are haunted by the idea. And for many, it becomes an unfortunate fact of life that just won't go away. We're talking about ED: erectile dysfunction.

Some men are going to feel a little creeped out just reading those words as if just thinking about it can make it happen. Well, it can't, but stressing over it won't help you at all — in fact, stress is definitely one of the causes. There are many other potential causes for ED, both mental and biological. It is possible sometimes for ED to be an indicator of a more serious or even life-threatening condition, such as prostate cancer. But don't despair — in many cases, it's simply a result of other factors you can control at home.

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Magnesium – The Chill Out Mineral

Magnesium – The Chill Out Mineral

The consumption of Magnesium for our body’s optimal function is extremely important. This mineral does not get enough credit for everything it does to support our body even though it participates in over 350 bodily functions. 
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What is Andropause and How Can You Ease the Symptoms?

What is Andropause and How Can You Ease the Symptoms?

Every adult has heard of menopause, the stage in a woman's life when her body has moved past reproductive age. But did you know men can go through their own version of menopause? It’s commonly referred to as male menopause or andropause. The good news is that it's not inevitable, and doesn't result in a shutdown of the reproductive system. The bad news is that it can cause health problems and unpleasant symptoms that affect the quality of life.
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Understanding Homeopathy

Understanding Homeopathy


Ever since its development in the early 19th century, homeopathic medicine has produced results for millions of people throughout the world. Homeopathy works on the principle that the body is its own best healer, and homeopathic medicines are formulated to stimulate the body's own immune system and vital energies. In this way, treatment is performed by the body itself, and not by the sometimes intrusive or even outright harmful method of prescription drugs. In addition, homeopathy has the advantage of treating the actual condition rather than merely the symptoms.

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ProBLEN Hormone Booster Custom Bundles: The Perfect Holiday Gift

ProBLEN Hormone Booster Custom Bundles: The Perfect Holiday Gift

ProBLEN Hormone Booster Custom Bundles

Let's face it: we all have times when we feel like our bodies need a little extra boost; especially during the holidays. Sometimes you realize you just don't seem to have the energy you used to. Or maybe you've noticed it's harder to shed extra pounds. Or perhaps you looked in the mirror recently and suddenly saw wrinkles you didn't know you were getting. See how you can help alleviate these symptoms with ProBLEN.

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What are Hormone Boosters?

What are Hormone Boosters?

What are Hormone Boosters?

Hormones regulate several important physiological functions in the human body. Everything from energy levels, to sexual function, to hair growth is affected by your hormones. However, hormone production can become decreased due to several factors, like aging, illness, or health problems. When hormone production decreases, the biological functions supported by that hormone can suffer.

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Use multiple pairs of shoes

Reduce risk of injury by using various pairs of shoes
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