Tips On How To Prevent Allergies
Posted by Admin on 8/1/2023 to
Allergies can disrupt our daily lives, causing discomfort and sometimes even serious health issues. Understanding the importance of maintaining good health and well-being is key to this. The first step in preventing allergies is
The ABC's of ProBLEN - Letter L for Liver Extract
Posted by Administrator on 7/16/2013 to
It’s a dirty world out there, and your liver is responsible for cleaning a lot of it up. ProBLEN aims to help the liver do just that as much as possible!
We include organically derived bovine liver extract in four of our most popular homeopathic hormone supplements: HGH, HGH Plus IGF-1 & IGF-2, Testosterone, and Libido. Why is the liver so important in battling a filthy world?
Love is in the air
Posted by S. Ashton Faulkner on 4/24/2013 to
Mother Nature is coming out of her deep hibernation. Leaves are on the trees and the rivers are running. There are blossoming flowers and the sun is shining. As Cole Porter said – “Birds do it, Bees do it, even educated Fleas do it.” Seems like everywhere we turn, the animals are getting frisky. So, if they can work it, why can’t you? Maybe you have a decreased Libido.
Adrenal DHEA for chasing away the Winter Blues
Posted by S. Ashton Faulkner on 3/27/2013 to
Boosters & Supplements
Spring is here. Sure, the mornings are still chilly - downright cold in some parts of the country - and there's a good chance many of you are driving or biking to work in the wee hours before the morning sunrise. We have just come off a few dark and frozen months and it may take a bit to shake away the slothful dispositions some of us have acquired. By the time you've put in a full day at your job, all you want to do is head home not think about the list of chores waiting for you.
Feasting Right for the Holidays
Posted by S. Ashton Faulkner on 11/22/2012 to
Over the upcoming holidays, we’ll be seeing our families, traveling, shopping, and taking time off from work or school, along with many other things that throw off our regular schedules to which our bodies have become accustomed. That means the dinners and drinks and snacks we consume will be entering a metabolism that has had its accustomed pattern of processing our diet distressed. Think of it as jet-lag for the stomach.