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Jumpstart Your Summer Exercise Routine

Jumpstart Your Summer Exercise Routine

If you're ready to jumpstart your summer exercise routine, there are a few key tips that can help you get off on the right foot. First and foremost, focus on smaller goals that may take more time but will result in greater success in the long...
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Signs of Adrenal Imbalance

Signs of Adrenal Imbalance

Do you suffer from fatigue, anxiety, and weight gain? If so, you may be surprised to learn that these are all signs of adrenal imbalance. Adrenal imbalance is a condition caused by an overproduction or underproduction of hormones from the adrenal glands, which can lead to a wide range of health issues. In this blog post, we will discuss three surprising signs... 

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9 Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System

9 Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System

9 Natural ways to boost your immune system, stay healthy and protect your body from illness.
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It's general knowledge that drinking water is vital for good health. Yet why? You might be shocked to find that water makes up 60-70 percent of your body weight. Your body requires water in its cells, organs, and tissues, as well as for maintaining body temperature and other physiological processes. It's important to stay hydrated since your body loses water through breathing, perspiration, and digesting. For a variety of reasons, including regulating body temperature, keeping joints lubricated, preventing infections, transporting nutrients, and maintaining healthy organ function, it is imperative to consume adequate water each day.

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Benefits Of Keeping The Body In Balance - Sleep, Food, Exercise

Benefits Of Keeping The Body In Balance - Sleep, Food, Exercise

A combination of healthy habits around sleep, diet, and exercise has a positive influence on one's psychological health and physical well-being. Eating well, getting regular exercise, and making sure to get enough high-quality sleep can help boost psychological health and reduce the risk of conditions like depression and anxiety. It is vital that people take care of their mind and body. Looking after yourself physically can help manage your mental health problems or even prevent them from developing in the first place. The healthier your lifestyle behaviors are and the more one practices good habits, the better overall well-being one can be.

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Maintaining A Healthy Immune System Year Around

Maintaining A Healthy Immune System Year Around

Your immune system protects your body against illness and disease. This complex system comprises the skin cells, blood, bone marrow, tissues, and organs that, when working as they should, protect your body against potentially harmful pathogens like bacteria and viruses. Think of the immune system as a baseball team. For the best performance, you want every player focused and ready to play at their highest level. A sports team can’t function as one individual; a team is comprised as a whole and every player needs to perform accordingly in order for the team to succeed. The same goes for your immune system. To best protect your body from harm, every component of your immune system needs to perform according to plan. The best way you can ensure this happens is to practice behaviors that require your immune system to run healthy, each and every day. 

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Why Testosterone is Important for Both Women and Men

Why Testosterone is Important for Both Women and Men

In what we hope is the aftermath of a global pandemic, there’s a renewed focus on immunity. Boosting your immunity or what to do to make sure your immune system is operating well. Did you know that detoxing helps your immune system in many ways?
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7 Ways to Look and Feel Younger

7 Ways to Look and Feel Younger

No one wants to look and feel old. Of course, aging is a gift. But, just because you've had the blessing of all those birthdays doesn't mean you want them to look and feel like you've travelled over the hill. Here are seven ways to look and feel
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Protect Your DNA, Protect Your Health

Protect Your DNA, Protect Your Health

They’re called the vaccines of the future, but it seems that DNA, gene-based vaccines offer great hope for curing diseases in a new way. In fact, researchers are furiously working on vaccines for COVID19 (the Novel Corona Virus) that apply this
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Telomeres: What These Tiny Caps on Your DNA Reveal About You

Telomeres: What These Tiny Caps on Your DNA Reveal About You

The human body is made up of a fascinating, intricate and complex array of parts
and systems-each made up of millions of cells. Inside these cells lies a vast array of
genetic information—your DNA. And, at the tip of your DNA lies something scientist
are just now tapping into as a potential key to health and longevity. These tips are
called your telemores.
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Understanding Homeopathy & Dilution Factors

Understanding Homeopathy & Dilution Factors

Developed in Germany over 200 years ago, homeopathic medicine—or homeopathy as we often call it—is a safe and natural system of healing that is based on two principles: 1) Like cures like (or the Law of Similars) and 2) the Law of Minimum Dose.

A German physician, Dr. Samuel Christian Hahnemann, founded homeopathy in the 18th century when he discovered that a substance that produces the same characteristics of an illness can cure that same illness. In other words, if large amounts of a particular ingredient will produce symptoms of illness in a healthy person, then small amounts of that same ingredient can be used to stimulate the healing powers of one’s body.

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How Amino Acids Aid Human Growth Hormone

How Amino Acids Aid Human Growth Hormone

Produced in your pituitary gland, Human Growth Hormone (HGH) plays a vital role in helping you look and feel young. But after the age of thirty, levels of HGH begin to decline. This can result in visible signs of aging—like loss of muscle composition and weight gain—and can make you feel older—like you’ve lost your energy, drive, and motivation.
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Collagen: Turning Back the Clock

Collagen: Turning Back the Clock

You may have heard of collagen as being one of the secrets to slowing the aging process. It has become pretty popular over the past few years, but what is it exactly, and what does it do? Nearly 70% of our skin is made from collagen. It’s a protein that helps give our skin strength and elasticity and helps to replace dead skin cells. It helps hold our body together and is found in bones, blood vessels, the digestive system, skin, and tendons. 
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The Key Roles of DNA and RNA and What They Mean

The Key Roles of DNA and RNA and What They Mean

Most people are familiar with the idea of DNA as a “blueprint” to an organism and its unique traits. Our DNA defines an endless list of things: it makes us human, it contains information about our hair color, eye color, skin tone, allergies, and more. But while DNA does contain all the information about our physical structure, it’s much more than simply a blueprint — DNA, along with RNA, are nucleic acids that serve many important functions in the body besides our genetic background.

DNA contains information used by our bodies’ cells in the construction of new proteins, which are needed for cellular growth and reproduction. RNA serves to carry this information to the cells, enabling them to reproduce and repair themselves.

Since DNA and RNA are so important to protein construction and transport, they’re at the root of our bodies’ capability to function. The proper structure and function of our cells relies on DNA and RNA, and without healthy cells, our bodily systems will suffer across the board.

Unfortunately, as we age, our body produces fewer of the hormones required for generating nucleic acids, leading to an imbalance in our DNA and RNA. This imbalance can have several effects. Learn more now!

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Magnesium – The Chill Out Mineral

Magnesium – The Chill Out Mineral

The consumption of Magnesium for our body’s optimal function is extremely important. This mineral does not get enough credit for everything it does to support our body even though it participates in over 350 bodily functions. 
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