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Homeopathic Synergy: Combine Your Boosters for More Amazing Results

Dating back to the middle of the 19th century, homeopathic supplements have been carefully combined in order to create amazing results. It’s called synergy.

Here’s how it works. The systems of our body were designed to work together. They depend on each other for optimal functioning. When one system slows, it often leads to symptoms and problems in other systems.

And that’s where synergy comes in. Because our body’s systems are so interconnected, combining hormones produces an effect that’s even greater than what happens when you treat each system or organ separately. 

Instead of one plus one equals two, thanks to synergy, one boost plus another boost can give your body an impact greater than just those two hormone boosts!

Here’s an example of how this works. You can begin taking the Thyroid Booster to improve your thyroid function and you’ll see some good results. But, if you add the Adrenal/DHEA Booster to support adrenal glands (which often suffer when you have thyroid issues), you’ll feel a much more noticeable results throughout your whole body by taking them together thanks to synergy. Should you choose to alternate the use of these same two products, you won’t get the same bonus “bang for your buck.”

To think about it in investment terms, your return on the investment in your health is significantly better when you combine two or more hormone boosters. I don’t know about you, but I like investments where my return is tripled or even quadrupled!

Need some ideas of great products to combine to create synergy and start to live young and age well? 

Here are a few:

Need more energy to make it through your day? 

Consider boosting your adrenals with Adrenal & DHEA booster and adding HGH Plus IGF-1 and IGF-2 to your morning routine. You’ll notice a big difference with the synergistic effect of taking these two products together.

Been feeling moody? Depressed? Or not in the mood for making love? 

Consider supporting your libido (with the ProBLEN homeopathic Libido Booster) and your hormones with either the Testosterone Hormone Booster or the Estrogen & Progesterone Hormone Booster. The synergy these two products create will help you feel more stable and confident—inside and outside the bedroom.

Want to boost immunity?

Consider using HGH Plus IGF-1 & IGF-2 with DNA/RNA booster. You’re only as healthy as your cells. When you combine DNA/RNA (your body’s cellular messengers) with ProBLEN’s HGH booster, you’ll help your body defend itself from invaders like bacteria and viruses. 

No matter what your symptoms, using two or more homeopathic supplements to create synergy is an amazing way to naturally heal and support your body and to save money on your supplements. 

Plus, ProBLEN’s hormone booster products are specially priced when you buy two or more to create your own combination. Save even more when you choose to have your combination packs auto-refilled every month. Find out more here.

homeopathic synergy

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