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The ABC's of ProBLEN - Letter N is for Natrum muriaticum

What is it?

Salt. Natrum muriaticum, also known as Nat-m or Nat. Mur, is made from diluted common table salt. Found in ProBLEN Thyroid and Adrenal & DHEA.

What does it do?

It is used to treat many symptoms including emotional distress, digestive complaints, poor skin, and ulcerations. Natrum muriaticum works by supporting the body’s ability to alleviate emotional stress, skin problems, digestive problems, and ulcers. Regulates the body fluid balance and is found in body tissues and fluids. 

According to Encyclopedia.com, other uses include alleviating gas, heartburn, stomach pain, excessive hunger, liver pain, excessive thirst, empty stomach feelings, excessive urination, salty-food cravings, indigestion, headaches, abdominal pain, nausea, depression, heart palpitations, back pain, dry mouth. 

Thought salt was bad for you? Think again.

We’ve always been told that too much salt is a bad thing, but did you know too little can be as detrimental?  When too much salt is present in the body, the immune system becomes weakened and the absorption of nutrients is inhibited. When too little salt is found in the body, a withered and emaciated appearance occurs due to a lack of fluid in the body.   

Natrum Muriaticum works by increasing red blood cell production, as well as the production of a protein known as albumin. According to Encyclopedia.com, it assists in restoring and altering body tissues so that they are able to absorb adequate amounts of salt from food. By increasing the overall health of the body, a person's risk of developing fevers, colds, and other ailments is reduced. 

This salt also produces hydrochloric acid. Having too little hydrochloric acid will slow digestion. (Natrum Muriaticum Side Effects | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_6174911_natrum-muriaticum-side-effects.html#ixzz1yvLJgFkp)
Salt is also very important for proper thyroid function. Our ProBLEN Thyroid contains Nat-m as well as Iodine. Without proper amounts of iodine or salt, the thyroid cannot produce thyroid hormones. The thyroid is the only gland capable of absorbing iodine, and Nat-m helps that process.

Where can Nat-m be found?

Nat-m can be found in the form of pellets, tablets, and tinctures in varying concentrations.  

Treat your thyroid and adrenal glands right; try ProBLEN Thyroid or Adrenal & DHEA today! For further information about Adrenal see our article “The Ultimate Anti-Aging Hormones: Adrenal & DHEA“, and for more information on Thyroid see our article “The Importance of your Thyroid and Aging: How ProBLEN Thyroid can help.” 

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