How the summer heat can potentially affect the thyroid gland and its hormone production.
Boost Thyroid, Lose Weight? How Thyroid Health Affects Weight Loss
Think you might have a thyroid problem?
Signs of Hormone Imbalance
Thyroid Repair proBLEN in Combination with Natural Remedies
How to Fix Your Over and Underactive Thyroid
Some of the body’s most important functions are produced by the thyroid gland. Functions such as breathing, heart rate, body weight, muscle strength, cholesterol levels and much more. It is important to ensure that your thyroid levels are balanced, overactive or underachieve thyroid levels affect your day-to-day life. ProBLEN Thyroid can remind the body to produce the right amount of thyroid, thus avoiding an over or under active thyroid.
The Effects of Thyroid Hormone Imbalance
A thyroid imbalance occurs when your thyroid releases either too little or too much of the hormones it produces for the body — Triiodothyronine (T3), Thyroxine (T4), and Calcitonin. An underactive thyroid results in hypothyroidism, while the term for an overactive thyroid is hyperthyroidism. As you can imagine, these imbalances each cause problems on the opposite end of a scale: too little energy or too much; an overly-fast metabolism or a very slow one, and so on. Here’s a breakdown of the issues caused by thyroid imbalance and how to help your body address them.
Live your best life, now!
According to the American Institute of Stress, 77% of people regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress including anxiety, depression, and harmful bodily imbalances. But what if you could eliminate this stress? What type of life would you have? Find out what may be the cause of this stress, and how you can live your best life NOW!