4 Signs You Need a Detox
Five Surprising Things to Do to Help Your Immune System
Can a Detox Help Your Immune System
Live Young, Age Well When You Boost Omega 3s
Does HGH Help Diabetes?
Weight Gain During Quarantine? Here are 5 Tips to Shed Extra Pounds
4 Ways to Give Your Energy a Boost After 50 (or 60, or 70!)
Protect Your DNA, Protect Your Health
Best Tips for Keeping Your Immune System Strong
Telomeres: What These Tiny Caps on Your DNA Reveal About You
Understanding Homeopathy & Dilution Factors
Developed in Germany over 200 years ago, homeopathic medicine—or homeopathy as we often call it—is a safe and natural system of healing that is based on two principles: 1) Like cures like (or the Law of Similars) and 2) the Law of Minimum Dose.
A German physician, Dr. Samuel Christian Hahnemann, founded homeopathy in the 18th century when he discovered that a substance that produces the same characteristics of an illness can cure that same illness. In other words, if large amounts of a particular ingredient will produce symptoms of illness in a healthy person, then small amounts of that same ingredient can be used to stimulate the healing powers of one’s body.
Naturally Boosting Estrogen & Progesterone for Menopausal Relief
If you’re struggling with the symptoms of menopause, you know how unpredictable
and challenging these symptoms can feel. Between the mood changes, hot flashes,
weight gain, and sleep problems; it’s frustrating to feel like you’re at the mercy of
your hormones.