Resolving to Live Well, part I
Posted by S. Ashton Faulkner on 11/30/2012 to
If you’ve read our ‘About Us’ page, you know ProBLEN was established in 1997 with the goal of helping people like you – people who care about their health, not just for today, but for the future. You are looking to Live Young and Age to the maximum of your potential and we can help you achieve that enhanced Life.
Feasting Right for the Holidays
Posted by S. Ashton Faulkner on 11/22/2012 to
Over the upcoming holidays, we’ll be seeing our families, traveling, shopping, and taking time off from work or school, along with many other things that throw off our regular schedules to which our bodies have become accustomed. That means the dinners and drinks and snacks we consume will be entering a metabolism that has had its accustomed pattern of processing our diet distressed. Think of it as jet-lag for the stomach.
Energy Drinks. Fast World, Fatal Drinks
Posted by Administrator on 11/19/2012 to
Boosters & Supplements
We work hard, play hard and generally try to put as much into our day as we can. For years, we have been cramming more activities into the day, but there are only so many hours in that day. Rare are the nights that we can simply rest and enjoy the relaxing moments before bedtime. In fact, how many of us actually stick to a regular hour when we lay down our heads?
Taking HGH for Life
Posted by S. Ashton Faulkner on 11/9/2012 to
Talk about Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
around the water cooler and you’ll get a variety of impressions. It
reverses aging. It restores lost hair. It gives you the energy of a
teenager. You’ll become a powerhouse in the sack or even win major
sporting competitions. Truth is, these claims are all just that, claims
– not backed up with hard evidence either way. Let us see why there
are so many different viewpoints on the subject.