What is Andropause and How Can You Ease the Symptoms?
Posted by Christianna Cannon on 1/25/2018 to
Every adult has heard of menopause, the stage in a woman's life when her body has moved past reproductive age. But did you know men can go through their own version of menopause? It’s commonly referred to as male menopause or andropause. The good news is that it's not inevitable, and doesn't result in a shutdown of the reproductive system. The bad news is that it can cause health problems and unpleasant symptoms that affect the quality of life.
Understanding Homeopathy
Posted by ProBLEN.com on 1/8/2018 to
Ever since its development in the early 19th
century, homeopathic medicine has produced results for millions of people
throughout the world. Homeopathy works on the principle that the body is its
own best healer, and homeopathic medicines are formulated to stimulate the
body's own immune system and vital energies. In this way, treatment is
performed by the body itself, and not by the sometimes intrusive or even
outright harmful method of prescription drugs. In addition, homeopathy has the
advantage of treating the actual condition rather than merely the symptoms.