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Living a Stronger, Healthier and More Energetic Life

Living a Stronger, Healthier and More Energetic Life

Do you have fatigue or low energy? It may be time to tune-up your DNA levels.

DNA and RNA operate as the messengers of life within your body. Research shows that the absence of proper DNA and RNA levels can negatively affect your cells ability to thrive and function. If cells begin to die off or stop functioning properly, nucleic acid activity is stopped — when this happens, aging, in addition to other side-effects begin to happen in the body. In order to improve our body’s mental and physical functionality and performance, we should incorporate DNA and RNA-rich diets.

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The Importance of a Daily Multivitamin

The Importance of a Daily Multivitamin

Anyone with a solid passion for their own health makes a point of nutrition. Balanced meals packed with essential vitamins and minerals can do wonders for your health and overall well-being. But it's actually almost impossible to get your entire daily value of these nutrients just from your food — you'd have to eat huge portions of certain vegetables every day to get a full serving of some of these nutrients, and while many people enjoy green smoothies to get their daily dose of ultra-nutrition, a multivitamin is a far easier (and calorie-free) means of filling those gaps.

Gaps in your nutrition are a very real thing, and people today suffer from a variety of health problems that can be linked directly to vitamin and nutrient deficiencies like the following.

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How to Fix Your Over and Underactive Thyroid

How to Fix Your Over and Underactive Thyroid

Some of the body’s most important functions are produced by the thyroid gland. Functions such as breathing, heart rate, body weight, muscle strength, cholesterol levels and much more. It is important to ensure that your thyroid levels are balanced, overactive or underachieve thyroid levels affect your day-to-day life. ProBLEN Thyroid can remind the body to produce the right amount of thyroid, thus avoiding an over or under active thyroid.

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How to Improve Your Sleep

How to Improve Your Sleep

People today are facing an epidemic of sleep problems. The science is conclusive as to the harmful effects of not enough sleep — people don't function at normal levels either physically or mentally, which makes them irritable, stressed, and even dangerous in situations where attention and concentration are required.

Since we know the importance of good sleep and the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation, how can we get more high-quality sleep?
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