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Exercise and HGH

With the onset of Summer, the days are becoming warmer and the evenings are lasting until the late hours.  This means not only can you get an early start on the day by exercising in the cooler hours of the mornings, but you can also get to some of those around the house chores that have been stacking up.  

The problem comes when those muscles you’ve been ignoring get inflamed from the new exertion – running and walking, lifting heavy boxes or weights, taking in a few laps at the pool.  ProBLEN’s HGH Plus IGF 1 & 2 Organotherapy supplement allows you to get right back on schedule after those especially grueling workouts and intensive honey-dos.

HGH Imbalance Causing Aches and Pains

These aches and pains are not limited to irregular exercise.  They can also be the result of imbalanced HGH levels or limitations of the nervous system to stimulate the repair functions of the muscles.  Using ProBLEN supplements helps by readjusting your system so that restoration begins as soon as the muscles are impacted.  

If your levels are out of whack, HGH Plus IGF 1 & 2 can fine-tune your body so that enough hormone to do the job is supplied – either by increasing or restricting the levels, depending on the imbalance.

During exercise or even menial grunt work around the house can overtax your muscles as well.  Spring rains have really made it a hassle to keep up with the lawn and shrubs around my house.  Recently, I took to edging the yard and cleaning up the hedges and small branches with some power tools that add quite a bit of vibration to my forearms.  Shortly afterwards, that dull, familiar ache came in and made even typing this blog a grind. 

ProBLEN’s HGH Plus IGF 1 & 2

Point being, minor or major, these kinds of suffering can be assuaged by shortening the recovery time.  ProBLEN’s HGH Plus IGF 1 & 2 replacement therapy is a definite answer to reducing that period.  By increasing calcium preservation and improving muscle mass, along with promoting protein production, HGH Plus can return your supply of Human Growth Hormone to near optimum levels – just like they were during your 20’s.  Are you in your 20’s right now?  That’s OK; our supplement helps your system retain its youthful appearance for decades.

Fight Aging

That is what ProBLEN is really all about – the fight against Aging.  With HGH Plus IGF 1 & 2 and our many other products, you will be able to do what we all want to – Live Young and Age Well.

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