Cycling Hormone Boosters & Immune Supplements & Detox Supplements
How Long Should I Use This Product? Important Information on Product Cycling
Use your ProBLEN product every day for the first three months. Make sure you follow the directions on the label in regards to how many times per day your product can be used. In homeopathy, we call this first, three-month phase, the “loading phase.” The product starts working in your body and your body adjusts to it. Mark your calendar on the first day you take the product, so you can know when your loading phase concludes.
Homeopathic remedies start working right away, but it may take a few days or weeks to feel any results. Though these remedies have no side effects, occasionally your body may respond if you’re taking too much of a certain product. If you experience new headaches, upset stomach, or joint aches and pains—decrease your dosage immediately until you feel better. Occasionally a homeopathic remedy may stir up unexpected aches or pains in a previous injury. This is called “retracing” or “aggravation.” What is happening is that the product is rushing to the site that once needed healing. If discomfort or symptoms are too strong, dilute your product with water, decrease your dosage, or take a few weeks off before trying again with a lower dosage.
Your body may also respond to the product by way of “detoxing.” Just like with fasting or massage, you’ll want to help the toxins leave your body as quickly as possible through drinking plenty of water. As the therapeutic homeopathic agents encourage the body towards healing and health, you’ll also want to make sure you are eating enough nutrient dense calories and protein. With plenty of water and a good diet, any tiredness or other detox-related symptoms should subside after a few days.
What Do I Do After the Loading Phase?
When you’ve taken the product for three months in a row, you’ll then start a new schedule for taking your product. Instead of taking your product everyday, you should cycle the product by taking one day off each week. Then, take one full week off after every additional three months of therapy.
During your product cycling breaks, you may want to consider adding a new ProBLEN formula. For example, if you’re taking ProBLEN Thyroid, consider using Adrenal & DHEA during your breaks. Or, if you’re taking Testosterone, consider using Libido during your break.
Then continue taking your new product even after you resume use of the original product. ProBLEN’s homeopathic formulas are designed to create synergy when used together, so combining formulas can boost your results. Just make sure you write on your calendar when you started your new product so you can cycle it properly.
Cycling HGH Supplements
If you’re using an HGH product or a combination of HGH products, after you’ve completed the three-month loading phase, cycle by taking the product for six days in a row and then taking each seventh day off. After every three months of therapy, take a full week off.
For optimal results, consider substituting ProBLEN’s new HGH Complex for your nighttime dosage of either HGH Original or HGH Plus. HGH Complex uses natural amino acids—the building blocks of HGH—to recharge your body, inspiring it to increase its own production of HGH. This hormone-free formula was designed to help boost the benefits from you experience from ProBLEN’s HGH Original or HGH Plus IGF-1 and IGF-2 formulas.